I am…


… your God [the one source of all Life, good, bad, or indifferent]

… the Light [of Awareness]

… the Truth [that which never changes]

God = Reality; the cause of the phenomena of Life.

Where to meet Reality, but here and now!

The Bible can be an amazing inspiration, when we take it to heart, when we are open to break free from the slavery of our own assumptions, hopes and beliefs; we can risk to read scripture as if it is written only for me to wake up.

Hopes and beliefs were important to get us started, but now as spiritual adults we don’t want to pay lip-service to empty ideas. Let’s be courageous and face our agitation, misconceptions, misguided thinking,

Only what we face in the light of Awareness can dissolve the sense of separation, the impression that I am a separate entity, in need to struggle and survive.

Our conceptual “me” might be trembling, because we are strangely attached to the familiarity of the quiet desperation we call “normal”.

“Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.”

It takes some bravery for a person, a so called grown-up, to learn to ask freedom questions, to not feel ashamed of, or intimidated by “I don’t know”.

It is not about future-happiness, it is not about waiting for Christ [Awareness] to come, it is not about becoming a better person; but improvement happens as a by-product, simply through “know the truth, and the truth sets you free”.

God’s creation is already perfect, but if we judge by appearances, if we wait for signs to remove our fears and doubts then you are: “Leave the dead to bury their own dead”.

Sorry, the teaching can easily feel sticky and dark, if thinking is our only tool, if we don’t know how to rest in being – to draw close to God [Consciousness].

“You pore over the Scriptures because you presume that by them you possess eternal life. These are the very words that testify about Me, yet you refuse to come to Me to have life.…”

I was stuck for so long in shame and pride; and I did not dare to embrace “I don’t know”… and to sit with it. Instead I consumed words and more words in the hope-less attempt to fill the sense of lack I called “me”.

Foolish words, somehow; but an opportunity to share my gratitude for GardenOfFriends.com. It is priceless to meet like-hearted human beings, in whose presence I can feel comfortable in my own skin; to commune with Reality, to experience that “me” and “other” are simply concepts.

“Truth is simple, the seeker is complex.”

Really all psychological fear, doubt and limitation arises in my own mind and is only seemingly caused by “another”.


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